Why do your lips get dried fast and how to avoid it?

Beautiful lips can enhance your overall appearance by adding romance and sensuality. Soft, shiny, and pink lips give you a lovely smile, but they also make you seem lovely. Just as you should take great care of your face, you should take special care of your lips. 

The lips are considered one of the most delicate parts of the body. Because they lack a protective membrane, they are much more vulnerable. The lip might become dull or damaged over time due to constant exposure to external factors. 

Your lip deserves a routine that is as unique as you are because the skin on your lips is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on the rest of your body. Cold temperatures, UV rays, and other environmental factors can seriously damage your lips. 

Lips lack sebaceous glands, which produce oil and moisture in normal skin. Thus they require special attention to remain plump and hydrated. Lips could become chapped and dry due to many causes, notably cold, dry weather, sun damage, and constant picking. Lip balm or ointments could be used at home to relieve chapped lips and eliminate any discomfort.

Why do your lips get dried fast?

  • Considering how sensitive the skin on your lips is, they are more prone to damage through harsh environmental exposure than any other part of the body. A protective lip balm, lip oil, moisturiser, or ointment can form a protective coating, thus locking in the lip’s moisture.
  • Lip licking is another common cause of dry lips. The enzymes in your saliva divide fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, which are the building elements of your lips. Excessive licking of lips can cause them to dry out much faster.
  • Another common cause of chapped lips is allergic reaction or contact with toxic chemicals. This could be through an ingredient in one of your current skincare products.
  • Lips could also dry due to underlying medical disorders, including thyroid syndrome, vitamin deficiencies, and inflammatory bowel disease. Dysregulation can cause dry mouth and lips.
  • A lack of B12, a vitamin that aids in cell growth, healing, and turnover, can cause lip dryness and slow healing.
  • In the summer, extensive sun exposure can aggravate your problem.
  • Salty food deposits on the lips can also cause harm. Because salt retains water, it can absorb it from the lips and dry them out.
  • Dehydration or undernutrition can also cause dry lips.

How to avoid it?

Beautiful and healthy tips will undoubtedly help you to smile more confidently, so you should pay more attention to your lips. Seeing one of the most beautiful areas of your body spoiled may be incredibly depressing and difficult. If you have chronic dry and chapped lips, you might want to consult a dermatologist to get to the root cause. It could be an irritant or an underlying allergic reaction. To have a great smile, following the below-mentioned lip care tips is vital.

  • Hydrate

Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration of the lips and mouth. Dry lips are both irritating and unattractive. It's also tempting to pick at the flaky skin, leading to bleeding and other complications. Therefore, drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day is highly recommended.

  • Protect and nourish

The lips are very sensitive to harsh sun exposure. This also puts you at the risk of developing lip cancer if due care is not taken. As a result, your daytime lip cream must have an SPF of 15 or greater. Even when you're wearing a mask, your lips should be protected! To fight nighttime dryness, switch to a deep moisturising product at night.

  • Exfoliation

Lip exfoliation is also necessary to remove dead skin cells and restore your lips' natural pink colour and gloss. Your lips will become puffy and extra sensitive if you exfoliate too much.

  • You should not lick your lips.

When your lips are dry, licking could provide short-term relief, but it worsens the condition in the long run. Licked lips get drier when the saliva evaporates, allowing more moisture from the lips to escape, making them even drier. Keep a lip balm or anything similar in your purse or handbag to moisturise, protect, and care for your lips.

  • Avoid wearing matte lipstick.

Lipstick with a matte finish can be quite drying. If you must apply them, combine them with hydrating lipstick (containing compounds such as glycerine or Vitamin E) or a coating of moisturiser, like a lip balm.

  • Lip balms with a lot of ingredients should be avoided.

Don't buy lip balm with too many ingredients because they're simply there to boost sales. Avoid using lip balm with scents, flavourings, colours, or complicated-sounding ingredients since these can aggravate sensitive skin. Choose a lip balm that contains substances like aloe vera and petroleum, which are non-irritating and great at protecting and softening lips.

  • Avoid drinking acidic juices.

Acidic juices may not cause lip burning, but they can dry out your lips by absorbing the skin's natural oils.

Start incorporating lip care as a part of your daily skincare routine and watch how your lips react to it. With plum, beautiful, and nourished lips, who would want to stop smiling?