Saggy breasts: Causes, massages and remedies

Breasts are made up of the most sensitive tissues in your body, and they often age faster than the rest of your body. Nonetheless, breast care falls outside of our self-care routines. Lifestyle changes, childbirth, hormone imbalance, body posture, and even weight loss can influence breast shape at a younger age. 

The shape, size, and colour of the breasts are determined by genes and therefore vary among individuals. Women's breasts change throughout life, and as they age, it is natural for the breasts to begin to sag. Sagging breasts can make women feel self-conscious and undermine their confidence.

What are the possible causes for your saggy breasts?

It is essential to be well versed with the facts that our bodies change over the years, and sagging is normal. Below are a few reasons that can contribute to breast sagging:

  • Breasts that are too large tend to sag over time
  • Menopausal hormone fluctuation
  • Loss of weight
  • Oestrogen deficiency
  • Excessive smoking harms skin strength
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Strenuous workouts

What will help you?

Who says you have to go under the needle to have those perky breasts? If you want to lift your breasts naturally, here is a list of home treatments that can help you with just that. These are perfect home remedies that will help them retain their strength.

Let's go through some basic yet efficient ways to get rid of sagging breasts:

  • Home Remedies: Applying an egg and cucumber mask for 15-20 mins can assist you in overcoming this problem. 
  • Yoga and Exercise: Yoga and exercise benefit the whole body, as has been extensively researched, and it is essentially a method for shaping the body and boosting flexibility. You can create a customised yoga or exercise routine that targets the breast muscles, helping them lift and tone up. Different yoga techniques concentrate on different areas. Pushups, cobra pose, and dumbbell chest press can help you get rid of your saggy breasts and replace them with healthier ones.
  • Swimming: Only 10-15 minutes a day in the pool can give you the perfect breasts you've always desired. The activity will naturally elevate your breasts and tone your muscles.
  • Diet: Protein is required in sufficient quantities for muscular tightening. Make lentils, dairy, and eggs a part of your everyday diet. You should also consume vegetables like cabbage, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots to meet your daily minerals, vitamins, and calcium requirements.
  • Massages: Breast massage is an ancient technique for revitalising the muscles. Several oils can be used for massage therapy for breasts to promote blood circulation and reap the benefits of the oils’ therapeutic properties. Breast massage is an ancient practise that dramatically minimises the likelihood of acquiring breast illnesses and improves sagging breasts.

A breast massage will give you peace of mind, ensure breast firmness, and check for lumps. For the massage, use oil or aloe vera gel. This will also aid in enhancing blood circulation, which will help to minimise sagginess.

  • Ice Massage: Ice massage is a simple way to restore firmness and suppleness to your skin. Because of the incredibly cold temperature, ice massage causes the skin tissues to contract, keeping your breasts firm and healthy. Grab 2-3 ice cubes and swaddle them in a handkerchief for an ice massage and avoid sagging breasts. Massage your breasts for 15 minutes with this. Repeat twice a day to restore skin suppleness.
  • Sesame Oil: Sesame oil is amongst the most commonly chosen oils for breast massage because of its beneficial properties. It is extremely nutritionally dense and contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities. Sesame oil is a great choice to maintain the health and perkiness of your breasts.
  • Almond Oil: This oil is high in vitamin E and hydrates the skin profoundly. Almond oil tones the breasts and fades away stretch marks. By gently massaging your breasts with this oil, you can help clear away dead skin cells and deep clean your pores.
  • Jojoba Oil: Massaging with jojoba oil produces excellent results for the breasts. It is particularly recommended for people with delicate skin prone to allergies. If you have sensitive skin, consider jojoba oil for its soothing properties. Additionally, massaging the breasts with jojoba oil will maintain their firmness in the long run.
  • Evening Primrose Oil: This oil is rich in anti-aging qualities and is ideal for breast massage. It slows the drooping of the breasts, keeping them firm and toned for years to come.
  • Castor Oil: Castor oil's therapeutic properties can be felt by gently massaging your breasts with it. It is extremely effective in alleviating discomfort and inflammation in the breasts. Furthermore, castor oil reduces the accumulation of toxins in the breasts.

These are a few other advantages of massaging your breast that you should be aware of are:

  • Breast oil massages reduce the incidence of breast cancer and other breast-related disorders.
  • Breast massage stimulates the formation of new cells.
  • Stress and anxiety can be relieved by gently massaging the breasts.
  • Prevents the development of fibroids in the breasts.

Perky breasts are no longer just a dream. Follow these simple measures to ensure the health and firmness of your breasts.